
What is this?
This is an attempt to unify the major intellectual properties of Valve Corporation (Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Team Fortress, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Ricochet, Alien Swarm) into a single fictional universe. Please note that this is in direct contradiction to the official statements from Valve that the different stories are intended to be separate universes. As such, do not use this material as a reference for the official canon.

This site will contain spoilers for every single intellectual property of Valve Corporation. It will also contain speculation that may not be accurate, especially as most attempts to unify the different universes are in contradiction to canon.

Aside from that, there will be side-notes, speculation, and commentary as the overall Valve Universe is expanded with new games and updates to older ones. The News section of this site will specifically deal with updates to older games and announcements of new ones in anticipation for any consequential expansion of the unifying timeline.

Why do this if you're contradicting canon?
It's fun.

Valve Universe is a division of Ambitious Dioxide and is not affiliated with Valve Software, Inc., which does not support or endorse the Valve Complete Saga. Copyrighted Material used under "Fair Use." Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Team Fortress, Portal, Left 4 Dead, Ricochet, and Alien Swarm are copyright Valve Software, Inc. If any Copyright holder feels that their property has been misused, please contact us. We will honor any and all requests to remove the offending material. (Remember: sending a cease and desist letter is cheaper than suing!)